Full Council – 14 October 2024 – Questions Under Standing Order 22


First Questions


Question 1

From Cllr John Haywood to the Leader Council, Cllr Jill Cleary


Members will likely have heard in the news that up to 880,000 low-income pensioners nationally are not claiming the Pension Credit to which they are entitled, something that can be worth up to £3,900 a year for some of the most vulnerable pensioners in our community.  Can I ask the Leader what steps this Council is taking to ensure that the uptake of this vital benefit is increased in our area, so that our pensioners with the lowest incomes obtain the financial support that they need?


Question 2


From Cllr Mark Clark to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Jill Cleary


With the abandonment of the Exxon Fawley Pipeline and carbon capture project, the withdrawal of the Fawley Waterside Development and the recent announcement of the reduction in jobs into the area, can we get an apology from the Leader of this Council, of leading everyone up the garden path about the magical benefits of the Solent Freeport less than two years ago in this very Chamber?


Question 3


From Cllr Jack Davies to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Jill Cleary


The residents of Lymington and Pennington are very concerned about the future of our Town Hall in Avenue Road.  The lease is up in 2027 and this Council clearly has no intention of extending it.  Whilst it is early in the process, the one overwhelming desire of residents is that, if something is done with the site, it is not sold off to a developer like Churchill who will build yet another block of luxury retirement flats.  Can the Leader of the Council promise me the site will not be sold off for Luxury Retirement Flats?








Question 4


From Cllr David Millar to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


Given the proposal to increase the £1 parking charge to £1.50, has the Portfolio Holder given any thought to a similar 50% increase in the number of ‘free parking’ days allowed in NFDC car parks?  The benefits of these days are well known, and the four days currently granted by NFDC provide a welcome boost to local high streets in Fordingbridge and across the district.  Would the Portfolio Holder consider allowing two further days, for a total of 6, with the extra two days able to be used outside of December?  These can be promoted as a way of encouraging local shopping other than at Christmas, as an investment in keeping our high streets alive.


Question 5


From Cllr Malcolm Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate, Cllr Jeremy Heron


Last year the New Forest District Council had £2.132 million of interest income over the budgeted amount.  Based upon the current interest rates please can you advise how much projected interest income the Council will be receiving and how much you actually budgeted for in the first place?


Question 6


From Cllr Caroline Rackham to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


At what stage did the Cabinet know that we seem to have been involved in a bidding war regarding the Exxon pipeline which ultimately went to the North of the Country and nowhere near the National Park or the Isle Of Wight?  Also, how many hours of Officer and Councillor time were spent on the recent, and in the end, pointless consultation?


Question 7


From Cllr Alex Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


Please can you provide a breakdown of how many individual parking clocks were sold for the calendar year 2024, compared to 2023, following the significant price rises agreed last year?  And will there be review of provision of short stay parking provision in areas such as Calshot where it has been requested?


Question 8


From Cllr Colm McCarthy to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


Does the Portfolio Holder agree that conditions placed on planning applications must be followed through and that, when conditions are not met, the Planning Committee must hold those applicants to account?


Question 9


From Cllr Sean Cullen to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


In addition to the consideration given to Residents living in flats, for the roll-out of wheelie bins. Will the same consideration be given to properties in Village and Town Centres with nowhere for storage or access for the bins?  And have NFDC Officers had an opportunity to review Keep Britain Tidy’s recommendations, and are there any concerns or challenges our Waste and Recycling Team have reported yet, following the property surveys?


Second Questions


Question 10


From Cllr John Haywood to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


Fly-tipping is a menace to our area and it is right that the perpetrators are pursued vigorously.  The image of piles of fly-tipped waste blighting the green verges of our beautiful lanes is not something that our residents want.  However side-waste at community recycling banks – often when those banks are full – is classified as fly-tipping and enforcement action is taken.  Can the Portfolio Holder specify what percentage of fly-tipping enforcement relates to side-waste at recycling banks, rather than the kind of fly-tipping that normally springs to mind?